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Showing posts from October, 2008

Do Field Studies Add To Learning?

I believe the idea of a field study for education has many learning implications and possibilities, however, the field study must in some way make direct correlations and connections to what the students are learning. This is a formidable task, especially since most students are only interested in having a "good time," when they go on a field study. Field studies can be open gateways to increasing a students knowledge, and expanding his or her experiences. They have to be field studies that are not limiting and constricting. For example, going to a museum is a noteworthy event but visiting a museum in and of itself will not guarantee that students gain the kind of expansive experience that you as a teacher would like them to have. "Teachers can support a deeper level of learning from a field trip by implementing preparatory lessons that result in further development or "construction" of knowledge in the content area of the field trip, as well as assist stude

Eating Healthy as a Teacher

My principle live a healthy lifestyle means to me to always be healthy and to eat right. I usually eat healthy on a daily basis because I find that when I do this I prolong the quality of my life. As well, because teaching requires one to burn a lot of energy and requires one to constantly give of one's self, it becomes incumbent upon educators to take care of themselves and eat properly.