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Showing posts from August, 2010

Teaching Writing Ideas

Here are some writing ideas to get you started on helping students write more effectively, clearly, creatively and concisely. The three C's. Using the "Dream Journals"©, have students journal these ideas daily. Here is a link to pics of my Dream Journals: My Future Husband/Wife Students write a paragraph on their future husband or wife, giving as much detail as possible using strong verbs and adjectives that modify. Friendship Acrostic Poem Write a word for each letter that describes a friend. Write a paragraph of a special day with your friend; write alliterative sentences using your friends name or characteristics; write a paragraph explaining why friendships are important; write what's special about your friend. Contrast Comparison/Persuasive Argument I believe in God/I don't believe in God. Write down five reasons why you believe and five why you don't believe. Write a persuasive paragraph that convinces me to believe or disbelieve. Artist